Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wild Passion

I've been focusing on entertainment a lot these days. It's been good and I've encountered all kinds of coolness along the way. I'm thankful for that. I haven't abandoned my faith and social justice interests, I'm still passionate about those but there are seasons when you have to tend one field more than another. And it's not like you can separate the passions of your life anyway, they all kind blend in together making you who you are. And I'm happy with who I am. The road hasn't been perfect but I've been blessed in countless regards.

I'll just share a few things that have inspired me lately...
  • California sunshine.
  • Olivia Wilde's website (she chats of vegetarianism and activism, two of my favorite subjects).
  • Twilight Sleep (they're a super neat band and I listen to their music quite often).
  • Nachos. They're always fun to eat.
  • Sunsets. I still make the effort to enjoy as many as I can.
  • Kit-Kat candy bars. 
  • Good conversations and smiles.
I'm glad to be alive and to be able to experience so many awesome things, some planned and some completely unexpected.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

On the Red Carpet: Oscars 2010

This was pretty cool...

Remember to check out 

Sunday, November 22, 2009

American Indian Heritage Month

It's that time of the year again. Make sure to add some Native American movies to your Netflix queue. Not sure what to watch? Then head over to my film site and browse through the Native American category.

Here's the trailer for Tkaronto:

And if you haven't seen Smoke Signals yet then what are you waiting for???

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You'd be the deepest of blues...

"If I could call you a color, You'd be the deepest of blues." - Jaci Velasquez

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"When Life Don't Seem Worth Living..."

I really like this song:

Mindy's voice is soul-stirringly beautiful and the lyrics are simple but poignant.

To listen to more of her music visit

[H/T Crissy]